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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Globalization Section of the Control Panel
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The Globalization page is dedicated to working with languages in Sitecore. To access Globalization, select Sitecore » Control Panel » Globalization (see the screenshots below).

/upload/sdn5/end user/control panel/globalization/controlpanel1.png 

/upload/sdn5/end user/control panel/globalization/controlpanel2.png

When selected, the Globalization category opens up a set of the following options:

Important Notes:

You must add a new language before you may import content to it.

The Export Languages to a File option allows you to export the content for specified languages into an XML file for translation using external tools.

The Import Languages from a File option allows you to choose a language XML file and import the selected file into Sitecore.

The Add a new Language task performs the steps necessary to add support for a language to the current site.

The Delete an Existing Language wizard performs the tasks required to remove support for a given language from the site.

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